Basic Bean Bags

A quick and easy do-it-yourself gift is a set of bean bags.  All you need is a little fabric and some dried beans.  If you purchase a quarter yard of fabric (not a fat quarter, but have them cut you a quarter yard off the bolt) then your fabric should be the correct width, and you will just need to cut strips of it for these bean bags.


1. Cut your fabric into 9" x 5.25" pieces

2. Fold the pieces in half

3. Sew the two sides, securing the ends of the thread by back stitching

4. Fill about half-way with dried beans

5. Tuck under the ends, and top-stitch closed, securing the ends of the thread.  You don't want these splitting open while their being tossed around.

Sew up a few more, and they make a nice set for a gift.  Perfect for tossing.
